Patriachy is critical to the survival of men, women and civilisation as a whole
Egalitarianism and the feminisation of men are destructive to everybody

Firstly, just so we’re clear, men can’t become women and women can’t become men. The fact that this is even a discussion shows how violently society has crashed.
Secondly, men and women have never been equal and will never be equal, biologically, mentally or legally. Some people find this claim very offensive but it’s because knee-jerking is easier than critical thinking.
Biologically: This one’s obvious. My wife recently gave birth and breastfeeds. I can’t do either because—wait for it—she is a female and I am a male.
Mentally: Plenty of research shows men and women think and behave differently because we’re wired differently and for good reasons, usually around survival and reproduction.
Legally: This one is more fickle and changes with the politics of the day, but generally, women are treated more favourably under the law. Examples include child custody, divorce settlements, domestic violence, rape accusations and criminal sentencing.
Wimbledon, for instance, made men’s and women’s prize money equal from 2007 onwards. However, since women play three sets and men play five, the women’s matches are shorter and they do less work, meaning women effectively earn more. It’s preferential treatment for women disguised as ‘equality’.
That’s why feminists, beta males and other egalitarian types get tangled in mental gymnastics. They want women to be treated the same as men, yet they hold up placards protesting violence against women.
Egalitarianism is one of the biggest sleights of hand ever.
Pick one
You can’t have equal and preferential treatment at the same time, sweethearts.
You can’t have a girl fighting a guy in the UFC cage and then complain about violence against women after Dricus de Plessis cracks her skull in the first round. (No, he didn’t do that. It’s just an example.)
I would even argue that women shouldn’t competitively fight or engage in combat at all. In Europe, during the Victorian era, for example, women embodied gentility and modesty, and physical fighting was extremely unladylike. Today, people pay money to watch women beat each other up and cheer them on.
I believe it’s part of the transhumanist agenda to erase the differences between men and women (through transgenderism), eventually turning everyone into grey, soulless droids who look and think identically.

Celebrate the differences
Instead of being ashamed of what makes men and women different, we should celeberate it.
Men have always been more powerful than women, just as male mammals are more powerful than their female counterparts. The power differential is so massive that men could easily subjugate or wipe out women if they chose to, while women could never do the same to men. Women are simply not strong enough and no amount of outrage, offence and angry emojis will change that.
However, as a whole, men are overwhelmingly benevolent, loving and respectful of women, choosing to protect and cherish them and have done so throughout history.
Rachel Wilson, in her book Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women’s Liberation, persuasively argues that women became more enslaved post-liberation. (Listen to her podcast with me.)

She explains that the suffragettes were largely driven by men, while the anti-suffragettes were women because most women didn’t want to be pushed into the workforce to compete against men and be separated from their children.
Rachel adds that women’s liberation (feminism) was about splitting the family, creating a bigger tax base for the newly created Federal Reserve, and directly attacking traditional values that stood the test of time. Women didn’t vote, not because they were oppressed, but because the husband voted on behalf of his family. He was the head of the household but was expected to consult with his wife before making decisions. ‘Freeing’ women to vote meant pitting husband and wife against each other, as they could vote for different candidates, leading to unnecessary competition and potential conflict within the family.
Hyper-individualism gradually started to overshadow the family unit.
Gender roles
Men and women, whether we like it or not, perform some roles better than others due to our genetic and psychological dispositions. No, men are not superior to women, and no, women are not superior to men.
We complement each other.
For example, men have built pretty much everything around you, from the mobile device or computer in front of you to the internet, buildings, bridges, roads, dams, mines, planes, ships, cars, houses, and more.
Women, meanwhile, have built families and homes, fostering growth and happiness for future generations. Maintaining strong and healthy families is critical to the sustainability of civilisation.

That’s not to say women can’t or shouldn’t build , but it is to say that women didn’t have to before they were ‘liberated’. At the end of the day, from what were women actually liberated?
The answer, reduced to its simplest form, is: being a mother.
Throwing women into the workplace also meant:
competing with men
less time with their children
more taxes for the government
staying single for longer
delaying marriage and kids by many years
fewer kids (depopulation) as a result
broken families
Patriarchal lives matter
I’m not suggesting that women should be prohibited from working or competing against men or whatever. I’m simply suggesting that it’s not optimal and is often undesirable. Society has progressed regressed to where it is now and there doesn’t seem to be any turning back from running off the cliff.
But the takeaway remains how it’s always been.
Men and women are neither equal nor superior to each other. We’re just different. We can’t be each other and we can’t be without each other.
Patriarchy keeps everything (mostly) in balance because it’s the order of nature.
It’s natural order.
Yes, there are always exceptions to the rule, but exceptions don’t make the rule. Many men throughout history have been horrible, but many more have not. And it’s been the latter who have held the former accountable. We see this in the animal kingdom too—it’s a type of pecking order which falls apart when men become feminised and emasculated, a long-term goal of feminism.
A man who displays virtues such as strength, courage, honour and mastery is not ‘toxic’. He is a man without an identity crisis, striving to lead his family, with the counsel of his wife, in the best way possible. He understands the power granted to him and his role in his family, community and society as a whole.
That’s all imploding at an accelerated rate, and unvirtuous men have themselves to blame.
Patriarchy must be preserved, for it is an antidote to depopulation, transgenderism, transhumanism and the ultimate vector, post-humanism, after which civilisation will be a shadow of its former self.
Men have always been leaders.
Sadly, there is a growing number of males who are checking out and don’t want the responsibility of being men.
“The most natural function of women is childbearing and the management of households; men’s natural function is political and military leadership.”
- Plato
First, let me congratulate you on creating a new human being! It is the greatest of our joys!
I can understand why you are pondering these issues at this time. Parenting is not easy and ideally we want to do everything we can to do the job right.
I love being a mum. 52 years ago, I gave birth and in the intervening period we moved heaven and earth for our son. That included a vast array of learning curves, a list of priorities where he was at the top and we parents were last.
Looking back on it all now... it didn't matter what gender we were. We both gave our energy, willing to provide for him and we made sure that we had a lot of fun along the way!
I am very concerned right now that gender confusion may be (partly probably) caused by oestrogens in the water supply and plastics which are upsetting the normal balance of nature. The men are being feminised and the women are alienated by that.
I don't think enough attention is being paid to this hidden environmental threat.
Thank you for this. I live in a blue state and one of our county commissioners stated to press that men wearing dresses is no different than women wearing pants. In all too many cases, I cannot tell men from women as a lot of people are transitioning and it is so sad to see. I think we have normalized insanity. I appreciate the book recommendation.