Planet Lockdown, by James Patrick, is a superb documentary about the world’s current situation, featuring interviews with epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters, a statesman and a prince.
James started filming it early in the COVID™ era, and it was the first of its kind that I saw. I remember watching it towards the end of 2020 and asking my wife if she thought the ‘pandemic’ was, in fact, real. Until then, I had thought it was real but neither deadly nor anything to worry about.
Planet Lockdown changed all of that.
First, the documentary
James has made the full film freely available but accepts donations which go towards other films he is making.
Some of the people James interviewed include:
Peter McCullough: American cardiologist, critic of COVID-19 handling
Robert Malone: Inventor of mRNA gene therapy tech, critic of regulatory influence
Martin Armstrong: Investor, founder of Princeton Economics
Aaron Kheriaty: Bioethics professor, opposed forced vaccination
Claus Köhnlein: Internal medicine doctor, author
Wolfgang Wodarg: Former German Parliament member, health officer
Catherine Austin Fitts: Former investment banker, Bush Senior administration
Astrid Stuckelberger: WHO insider and whistleblower
Mike Yeadon: Former Pfizer VP, pharma start-up founder
Anybody familiar with my work will recognise some of them from my own podcast.
Second, my journey
When South Africa’s president announced the lockdown in March 2020, coincidentally at the same time as Britain and most other countries, my alarm bells began ringing loudly.
It didn’t make sense.
I knew something else was going on and thankfully, I wasn’t alone. Many critical thinkers began asking questions and found themselves censored or banned.
Including me.
A South African-based ‘fact-checker’ called Real411, funded by George Soros and in bed with the country’s media establishment, suggested I be ‘wiped off Twitter’ and ‘entirely off the face of Earth’ because it liked neither my questions nor my podcast guests and wanted to put a stop to it all.
Hang on. What?
A fact-checker wanted me dead?
Of course, when ‘fact-checkers’ do this sort of thing, it means you’re over the target. Hundreds of cartoons and conversations later, thanks to James’ brilliant work planting seeds in my mind, I’ve concluded that there was no pandemic and that it was a multilayered fear campaign—perhaps driven by the military—to accelerate, at its core, Agenda 2030 (also known as Sustainable Development, the Great Reset and the New World Order).
⚠️ I recommend going through my COVID™ era archive.
CBDC is the end of money.
—James Patrick
Talking points
Discussion about Planet Lockdown
Influence of cultural Marxism
Manipulation of information and rewriting history
Unveiling the tactics of mind control
Observations on society and perception

There was this massive political and economic takedown going on. It was like a global coup d'etat.
—James Patrick
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